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Home Fri - 05/31/2024 20:03

Miss Anna Hà - The Pageant Day & Thank you letter .

Pageant Day

I woke up early in the morning to pick up Bác Hồng, 1st runner up Mrs. Ao Dai Vietnam Texas 2014. We drove to Santa Clara Convention center by 9 am to be on time if not early. Bac Hong and I were the first ones there with Chieu Quan and her mother coming soon after. We milled around for a bit with the set up crew while other contestants arrives and brought in their wardrobe. Chieu Quan, her mother, and I helped Chi Kha Tu transport costumes, props, and water from her car into the dressing room. Set up has officially begun.

 Last News 
Miss Anna Hà - The Pageant Day & Thank you letter .
The Vovinam Ideal - Master Kim Thuy
Regional Vovinam Federation will be created next week
A new chapter - Master Samuel Nguyen
European Vovinam Viet Vo Dao Federation – EVVF
Brief Biography of Grand Master Le Sang
Grand Master Le Sang Pass away!
The 10th Vovinam world Tournament 2010

The Vovinam Ideal - Master Kim Thuy

[Mon - 07/11/2011 09:12]
Ideal is defined as “a conception of something in its absolute perfection…one that is regarded as a standard model of perfection or excellence…an honorable or worthy principle or aim.” Because they are the standard for perfection, ideals are often time far fetched and not easily achieved. Vovinam has a sublime ideal that was created by the late founder Grand Master Nguyen Loc, and has been passed down by the current Grand Master Le Sang to all disciples all over the worldRead more...


[Mon - 01/17/2011 15:49]
Date of birth: June 2nd 1973
Place of birth: Milano, Italy
Current level: Chuan Hong Dai – 4th dang
Charge in Vovinam:
• since October 2010 - General Secretary of EVVF
• 2009 - International Referee by WVVF
• 1998 – 2010 - General Secretary of UNI0Ne Vovinam VVD Italia
• 1994 – 2010 – Vovinam teacher in Milan
Date of exam from black belt to red belt:
• Huyen Dai - Black Belt – august 1994, Borno (BS), Italy
• Hoang Dai Nhat Cap – 1st dang – 1997, Milan, Italy
• Hoang Dai Nhi Cap – 2nd dang – 1998, Milan, Italy
• Hoang Dai Tam Cap – 3rd dang – July 25th, 1999, HCMC, Vietnam
• Chuang Hong Dai – 4th dang – April 12th, 2004, Frankfurt AM, Germany

The beginning was in the 1989, it wasn’t Vovinam, but it was the beginning of my martial arts way. Beginning to follow a master and believe in him, to have someone to follow as example, and thanks to him if in the 1992 I had the opportunity to know Vovinam.

A new chapter - Master Samuel Nguyen

[Thu - 10/28/2010 21:09]
At about 5am on Monday 27th September 2010, my mobile phone rang, I pressed the answer button and this story began. “Master Duc, I am Quan, from To Duong. Grand Master LE Sang passed away at 3 am this morning. His body is being transported to To Duong.”Read more...

Principal of Life - poverty

[Sun - 02/24/2008 17:46]
The citizens in America are taking advantage of their own prosperityRead more...

Vovinam Camp

[Thu - 10/04/2007 21:09]
Vovinam Camp, when you think of the word camp you think of, togetherness, a time for bonding, and forming new relationships with your fellow peersRead more...


[Sat - 09/15/2007 10:30]
The 10 pledges of Vovinam serve as a guide for the students of martial arts. As a Vovinam disciple, I mastered the 10 pledges of Vovinam. For 9 years, I studied the physical attributes of Vovinam. But for the last 5 years, I finally learned the full meaning of what embodies a martial artist; confidence, ambition, self motivation, responsibility, discipline, and self control.Read more...

Tears, Sweat, and Blood

[Tue - 09/11/2007 19:23]
From the moment I tied my very first misshapen light blue belt, and even now as I tie my still misshapen dark blue belt, I have given my tears, sweat, and blood to VovinamRead more...

My Vovinam life

[Sun - 09/09/2007 12:00]
My name is Andy Nguyen. I am 13 years old going into the 8th grade. I started Vovinam Vietnamese Marital Arts at age 4, and I have been a disciple for 9 years. My family has also been in Vovinam before me and encouraged me to join.Read more...

Vovinam Volunteer Organization Proposal

[Sat - 09/08/2007 17:21]
Vovinam Vietnamese Martial Arts is an obscure martial arts style amongst the other Asian martial arts styles in the world.Read more...

The Evolution of the Vietnamese Community and Vovinam

[Mon - 09/03/2007 10:03]
Generation after generation mankind has sought and innovated ideas for the development of life on earth. Each movement and establishment has led to newer and bigger ideas; light bulbs replace the bickering of the sun, automobiles direct transportation, and computers connect our overflowing world.Read more...

Developing the next generation of Vovinam.

[Sat - 09/01/2007 17:48]
My greatest concern for Vovinam Hoa Lu is developing the next generation of Vovinam. This summer, our center has been striving to develop our next generation by getting them involved as much as possible.Read more...

Today’s Martial Artist

[Fri - 08/24/2007 01:02]
In an age where weaponry has evolved from the spear to the nuclear warhead, martial arts have evolved as well. In the past, many martial art forms had a very narrow focus and training outside one’s dojo was forbidden.Read more...

Mrs. Đỗ Hoàng Nghĩa ( right)
The Purpose of Life

[Mon - 08/20/2007 00:33]
The whole universe is a vast battlefield. Existence is nothing but a continuous struggle, molecules against molecules, atoms against atoms, electrons against electrons and so on and within the physical system itself it is a big battleground. The mind itself is the biggest battlefield.Read more...

The 3rd V-VVD Championships evaluation.

[Sat - 08/18/2007 10:12]
I would like to provide this report to the head of teams and the organizing committee of the 3rd V-VVD Championships 2007. This report focuses on the constructive views of team leaders and contestants that attended the organised events during the championships, 20-22 July 2007 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.Read more...

Steel hands, gentle hearts

[Sat - 08/18/2007 09:37]
In Vovinam martial arts, Vietnamese masters blend soft and hard physical moves with a philosophy of giving

By ANNE C. MAYER / Special Contributor to The Dallas Morning News

Page number 1, 2  [page next]
Event from photos
Vovinam district 8 - Legs technique on Vn Championship 2007

Remarkable Words
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt

CopyRight© 2007 - 2008 Vovinam Viet Vo Dao USA
Master : Cam Binh Nguyen - Email :