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News » Theory/Philosophy Sun - 06/16/2024 16:32

Vovinam Ideal

Ideal is defined as “a conception of something in its absolute perfection…one that is regarded as a standard model of perfection or excellence… Read more...

Vovinam Emblem - Flag

[Sat - 08/25/2007 12:09]
translated by Linh Thai
copyedited by Uy Tran.

The interpretation of Logo and Flag of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao is based on the Color and Shape.

Self Revolution Of Vovinam Việt Võ Đạo

[Sat - 08/25/2007 11:59]
We are always heard the word "revolution" but our Vovinam is also teach us a theory calls "self-revolution" by late grand master Nguyen Loc. So what is resolution ? and what is self revolution ? Why Master Nguyen Loc and Vovinam want us to learn more about this self revolution. we will discuss with a few examples, before we will dig deep into the real meaning of this self resolution of our late grand master Nguyen Loc.Read more...

General concepts on Self-revolution

[Sat - 08/25/2007 11:53]
Recently the word revolution is commonly heard.
Self-revolution is indeed fundamental to our Vovinam -Viet Vo Dao. So what is revolution? And what is sefl-revolution? Why does our discipline promote it? To foster our understanding of and appreciation for this ideal,we will look at a few examples in history.

Philosophical Knowledge for Blue Belt III

[Fri - 08/17/2007 10:24]
(Required for Promotion to Black Belt/Yellow Belt)

1. What is the process of martial arts development in the world?

The development of martial arts worldwide is greatly effected by geography, cultural heritage, social changes, historical conflicts, and pace of social advancement.

Philosophical Knowledge for Blue Belt II

[Fri - 08/17/2007 10:23]
(Required for Promotion to Blue Belt III)

Philosophical Knowledge for Blue Belt I

[Fri - 08/17/2007 10:21]
(Required for Promotion to Blue Belt II)
1. Please explain the first pledge of Vovinam.
The first pledge is about the ideals and purpose of practicing martial arts, which is to go beyond the current achievement of the art in order to serve the nation and mankind.

Philosophical Knowledge for Blue Belt

[Fri - 08/17/2007 10:20]
(Required for Promotion to Blue Belt I)

1. What is point of being a martial artist? Why does a Vovinam disciples practice martial arts?
The point of being a martial artist is to be able to defend oneself against harms.
A Vovinam disciple practices martial arts to have a healthy body, reasonable intelligence, and a noble will to learn, work, protect others, fight for justice, and serve the people.

Philosophical Knowledge for Self-Defense Viet Vo Dao

[Fri - 08/17/2007 10:18]
(Required for Promotion to Blue Belt)

The Vovinam Vow

[Fri - 08/17/2007 10:14]
In front the national flag, representing the unyielding and everlasting spirit of our people,
In front of Viet Vo Dao flag, representing courageous and noble tradition of the martial artist,
In front of our Founder's portrait, representing the benevolence and generosity of the youth with the nation and humanity,

Remarkable Words
Ask not what your country can do for you - Ask what you can do for your country.
President John F. Kennedy

CopyRight© 2007 - 2008 Vovinam Viet Vo Dao USA
Master : Cam Binh Nguyen - Email :